Some Body Care Routines
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Features on this page:

* Epsom Salts Baths
* Dry Skin Brushing
* Exfoliation

Featured on Page 2 of Body Care Treatments:

* Cold Showers
* Exercise
* Self-Massage
* Relaxation
* Posture
* Breathing
* Ways to Enhance your Detox

  Epsom Salts Baths
Epsom Salts are pure magnesium, which is an essential requirement for almost all our cellular activity. Taking an Epsom salts bath allows your skin to absorb the magnesium, while also drawing out toxins from your body.

It is important to keep warm after your bath. This will increase the effect of the magnesium, and prevent you from catching a chill.

Epsom salts baths:

* improve circulation
* speed up the elimination of toxins
* help relaxation
* soothe aching joints & muscles.

You should take an Epsom Salts bath every 5 days while on the Detox Programme.

  Dry Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing removes dead skin cells & helps your skin to "breathe" more efficiently. It clears the pores & stimulates the production of sebum, both of which help to improve the tone & texture of your skin.

In addition, it is a wonderful way to reduce cellulite. It stimulates muscle contraction, thereby improving blood & lymph circulation. The results of this are:

* removal of waste materials between organs & tissues

* encouragement of cell production & renewal

* drainage of excess fluids from the hips & thighs

* prevention of water retention.

How to Dry Brush your Skin:

Coming Soon!

dry skin brushing

Exfoliation has all the benefits of dry skin brushing, but since you will do it every 3 days, use it as an excuse to relax & indulge. It is also less harsh on your skin than dry brushing, and therefore can be used on delicate areas of skin such as the face.

Ideally, you should exfoliate during a nice relaxing bath. Run a bath using your favourite bath oil or foam. Soak in the tub for at least 10 minutes before you begin, allowing your skin to soften a little.

How to Exfoliate:

Method 1:

Get out of the bath while the room is still nice & warm. Gently rub exfoliating cream or homemade exfoliant in firm circles (both large & small) all over your body.

Pay special attention to any areas of hard skin (heels, knees, elbows) & rub as hard as you find comfortable.

This should take about 3 or 4 minutes.

When you are finished, get back into the bath & continue rubbing until all the exfoliating cream has been washed off. Get out of the bath and rub yourself dry with a towel.

When you are dry, apply a good moisturiser or body oil all over your body & stay warm

Method 2:

Stay in the bath and, lifting each limb above the surface of the water, exfoliate as described above, in firm circles (both large & small).

As you finish each limb, lower it back into the water & continue to work the flesh until all the cream has been washed away.

As before, towel yourself dry & then moisturise & stay warm.